2 The email address you have entered contains a colon or semicolon, which are not legal characters for an e-mail address. If your address is for a Compuserve account, leave off the "INTERNET:" prefix.
3 The email address you have entered does not contain an "@" symbol. Valid e-mail addresses should be of the form username@hostname.domain.
4 The email address you have entered is not of the form username@hostname.domain. The host and domain part of your email address (e.g., @realaudio.com) must contain at least two words, connected by a period.
5 The email address you have entered is not of the form username@hostname.domain. The "@" symbol is either improperly placed (it is not allowed at the beginning or end of the address), is missing entirely, or appears multiple times in the address.
6 E-Mail Address field cannot be blank.
7 The email address you have entered is not of the form username@hostname.domain. The period is improperly placed -- either at the beginning or end of the address, or immediately before the "@" symbol.
8 Your email address contains a space. Spaces are not allowed inside e-mail addresses.
9 This e-mail address is not valid because it contains a comma. If you have a CompuServe account such as 99999,999@compuserve.com, replace the comma with a period: 99999.999@compuserve.com.
10 &Zip Code
11 &Postal Code
12 Regional Data
13 letters only
14 numbers only
15 The value entered for %s is incorrect. It must contain %s.